Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 03: MY Views & Opinions on Alcohol

Alcohol is one thing that is a very touchy emotional subject for me. There are lots of people that are very close to me that suffer from alcoholism. It's almost as if I'm watching them kill themselves. 

Drink after drink.

Day by day.

Over and over.

A never ending cycle.

I say suffer like it's not a choice; because after a while-- It isn't. Their bodies NEED alcohol to survive. They depend on it. Alcohol IS a drug, in my eyes. There are people in my family that have died from various diseases caused by alcohol.

Although it's difficult to say, alcohol IS going to kill the people that haven't already passed. Alcohol IS going to be the death of them. Who knows if it's going to be tonight, tomorrow, next week, or 10 years from now, but it is going to happen. 

Alcohol causes LOTS and LOTS of problems, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. I haven't done much research on it, but I've seen it first hand. After writing this, I'm going to do some research and take it upon myself to compare what scientists have found with what I've seen with my own eyes. I really want to know what triggers alcoholism. If it's hereditary. And even if someone parent(s) are alcoholics if they're prone to being one to. 

This post has made me think a lot-- even though I haven't written much. My mind is going a million miles an hour right now. 

I leave you with this: Do you know someone who suffers from alcoholism? Is there anything you can do or say to TRY and help them? 

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,