In 10 years….
Colleen will be 10 and a half. (Wow!)
I can’t even imagine 10 years from now. I couldn't even see me now, two years
In 10 years I hope to be married to my main man.
In 10 years I hope I have more children running around.
In 10 years I hope to be in a bigger house, on a bigger lot of land.
In 10 years I hope to have a degree in something I love to do.
In 10 years I hope to help my mom to get out on her own again.
In 10 years I hope to be surrounded by friends and family.
In 10 years I hope to see Jamie lying next to me in bed every night.
In 10 years I hope to watch Jamie and our children playing outside.
In 10 years I hope to have an established garden for fresh veggies and such.
In 10 years I hope to be surrounded by a lot of the people I call my friends
right now.
In 10 years I hope to have this blog well established.
In 10 years I hope I can say I’ve helped a lot of people.
In 10 years I hope I can still see my Grandparents play with my children.
In 10 years I hope I have the career of my dreams.
In 10 years I hope I have the car of my dreams.
In 10 years I hope to still be writing on this blog.
In 10 years I hope Colleen is my best friend as well as my daughter.
10 years is such a long time. I have lots of hopes and
dreams. But sometimes I don’t know if I should take the road less traveled.
It’s hard to tell right now. I’m just going to take it one step at a time—Just
like my Nanny always told me.
With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,