Monday, July 15, 2013

15,638,400 Seconds or 260,640 Minutes or 4344 Hours.....

Whichever you prefer-- Doodle Bug is six months old! I can't believe it has been six months already. It still feels like we just brought her home yesterday. 

HER FIRST WORD WAS MAMA!!!!! (Daddy is jelly!)

Since my last post about what she has been eating, she has eaten so much more. Especially since the doctor told me that she can have big girl food as long as it is cut up real small so she doesn't choke on it. She absolutely LOVES jellied cranberry sauce but isn't too sure of fresh (straight out of Nanny and Pop-Pop's garden) cucumbers. And she definitely does not like the Gerber Stage 3 Lasagna and Meat Sauce!

We went to the doctor on Monday, July 8, 2013, as she was due for her 6 month check up and shots. She weighed in at a whopping 17.1 pounds and is 26 inches long! 

Pre-shots Shots!

Post-shots Shots! :'(

& yes-- I cried too. 

She is also sitting up all by herself for hours on end. She hasn't quite figured out how to sit herself up, so she still needs a little help in that area. She loves Mickey Mouse Club House-- and watching Daddy do the "Hot Dog Dance". LOL. She can hold herself up while standing (only for a few minutes) too! 

Since it's late now--- and I just had to chase Autumn around the damn neighborhood, I'll be back tomorrow to post more!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,
Love always,