Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

Sorry for the lack of posts these past few months. I've been really busy working and spending lots of time with my daughter.

So much has happened since the last time I have even thought about posting anything. I've been reading a lot about how writing stuff down and letting your 'feelings go' helps some people 'heal'. I have a lot of healing to do and a lot of stuff to 'let go'. It's so hard for me to actually sit down and write things down. (I need a talk to text for my computer.)

This is just a post to say I'm still here and am still thinking about doing this whole blogging thing. I still have a few things that I need to take care of before I spend more time on this.

Thanks for sticking with me through this! <3

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What's Your Road Block?

In everyone’s life we have roadblocks and signs that symbolize where we are and where we’re going. The signs are similar to those that you see on the road when traveling, the difference is how you chose to heed them, or change direction in accordance to your goals and desires.

Some of the common signs we see are:

Proceed With Caution - When you’re venturing out on the road of entrepreneurship, a new relationship, or a new venture you may see a big Proceed With Caution sign everywhere you go. This is not a bad sign. What you have to realize is that this sign is only telling you not to overlook details. Often when starting a business, one either moves too slow or too fast. The key is not to allow fear to interfere. Listen, learn and proceed knowledgeably. You may learn from listening to your new business partner that he likes to cut corners and really doesn't care about legal ramifications. This may get you sued in the long run or worse land you in jail! A prospective lover may tell you that he or she needs recreational drugs to get aroused. This may work for you, but if not, it’s good to know. It’s a prime example of proceed with caution.

Slippery When Wet - When you have to make decisions in life the Slippery When Wet sign sometimes comes up. The wet may be referring to emotional tears or the wetness caused by the influence of alcohol on the brain. Be of sound mind when you make decisions. Don’t let your emotions color your judgment.

Merging Lanes is when two areas of your life are coming together. It can be your career and your love life, or your family life. It can be your health and your work. This sign is a forewarning. It gives you the opportunity to examine what’s going on. Is your work affecting your health? Are you bringing your relationship or family baggage to work, or visa versa? Take stock of your environment. Don’t let things escalate out of hand. Take heed to the sign.

DIP - When there is a decision to be made and you’re not sure what to do the DIP sign may rear its face. It is only telling you to decide in prayer. Take your concern or question to prayer and leave it there. Your answer will come, just wait.

No U-turn – In life you can’t go back and start over. We all make mistakes. We say things we regret five seconds after saying them. Our hearts get broken. We miss out on what we think is a great opportunity. We just screw up. That’s life, there are No U-Turns. We’re here to experience all kinds of things, all kinds of emotions. What’s important is that you learn the lesson and use what you learned to move forward in a positive way. You may learn not to second guess yourself. Trust your gut. Express your thoughts. Do the right thing. No experience is meant for bad, but they are meant to teach us something. Learn the lesson, bless the experience that brought it to you and move on.

The Stop Sign is as clear as a bell. Pull over on the side of the road and just stop. Take a breath and come to terms with what is being presented to you. What you are faced with is what you have created. Stop being in a dead end, or abusive relationship. Stop overeating. Stop working at a job that is making you physically and emotionally sick. There is a healthier and happier solution, but you have to really want it. Stop and get clear that pain is not your only solution. Stop also has a completely different meaning at times relating to fear. There are those who allow fear to interfere and this sign is strongly telling you to stop blocking your blessings. Stop getting in your own way. Stop self-sabotaging. Stop allowing fear to rob you of your greatness. You know who you are, just STOP.

When the Green Light appears by all means go forward with confidence. When your gut or your inner voice tells you yes, don’t second guess it, it’s time to reap your rewards.

There are many other signs in life that are there to remind us that there is a higher force that is trying to assist us in our day to day lives. We can’t always have someone tell us what to, so it’s important in life to look for signs. When in doubt about something in your life, just say “I need a positive sign about what to do,” then put up your inner antenna and look, listen and wait. The answer will come. When we follow the signs that are presented to us we end up on the road to success, love, prosperity and happiness.

With Oceans of Love and a Kiss Upon Each Wave,

Friday, August 09, 2013

Still Kinda New

Hey Everyone! I'm still kind of new to the whole blogging world and have been slacking as of late. I'm trying to find my true 'talent'- per say. I have no idea what I want this blog to be about, if anything particular.

Here's an update though!

DoodleBug turned SEVEN months old yesterday!!! She is growing so fast and turning into such a beautiful human being! I'm still not sure how I got so lucky. 

I will make one like her 6 month update as soon as possible!!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Saturday, August 03, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

1. My Daughter
2. My Family
3. REAL Photographs
4. Feathers
5. Flowers
6. Color
7. Music
8. Chocolate
9. Homemade Dinners
10. Seeing Old Friends
11. Nail Polish
12. Morning Dew
13. Sweet Tea
14. Gardening
15. Reading
16. Country Living
17. Morning Coffee
18. Hazelnut Creamer
19. Markers
20. Pens
21. Coloring
22. Crayons
23. Pencils
24. Notebooks
25. Doodles
26. Books
27. Memoirs
28. Road Trips
29. Laughing Until You Cry
30. Making People Laugh
31. Traveling
32. Sunrises
33. Sunsets
34. Surprises
35. Feeling Loved
36. Bubble Baths
37. Interior Design
38. Painting
39. Sea Breeze
40. Candles
41. Picnics
42. Camping
43. Inspiration
44. Digital Design
45. Writing
46. Making Lists
47. Movies
48. Making New Friends
49. Learning
50. Shoes
51. Pools
52. The Beach
53. Flip Flops
54. Wine
55. Cartoons
56. Presents
57. Clean Sheets
58. Clean Floors
59. Organizing
60. Make-up
61. Baking
62. Driving
63. Cake
64. Cupcakes
65. Muffins
66. Monopoly
67. Yahtzee
68. Rummy
69. Playing with My Daughter
70. Watching My Daughter & Her Dad Interact
71. Her Smile
72. Natural Light
73. Candle Warmers
74. DH
75. (Almost) Anything Yellow
76. Green Grass
77. Getting Mail
78. 50 Shades
79. Building
80. McDonald's Chocolate Chip Frappe
81. Starbucks Cold Coffee Espresso Drinks
82. Wal-Mart
83. Yarn
84. Grilling with Charcoal
85. Talking Face to Face
86. Taking Pictures
87. Nature
88. Humming Birds
89. Butterflies
90. Farkle
91. Facebook
92. Blogger
93. Pixlr
94. Instagram
95. Pinterest
96. Snowmen
97. Decorating for Holidays
98. Wood
99. Reading Before Bed
100. Clean Windshield
101. Seat Belts

With Oceans of Love and a Kiss Upon Each Wave,

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Decisions, decisions.

Hi all!
I am currently in the process of making new things for this blog. 
Sorry for 'disappearing' so suddenly!
I am coming back bigger and better! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 03: MY Views & Opinions on Alcohol

Alcohol is one thing that is a very touchy emotional subject for me. There are lots of people that are very close to me that suffer from alcoholism. It's almost as if I'm watching them kill themselves. 

Drink after drink.

Day by day.

Over and over.

A never ending cycle.

I say suffer like it's not a choice; because after a while-- It isn't. Their bodies NEED alcohol to survive. They depend on it. Alcohol IS a drug, in my eyes. There are people in my family that have died from various diseases caused by alcohol.

Although it's difficult to say, alcohol IS going to kill the people that haven't already passed. Alcohol IS going to be the death of them. Who knows if it's going to be tonight, tomorrow, next week, or 10 years from now, but it is going to happen. 

Alcohol causes LOTS and LOTS of problems, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. I haven't done much research on it, but I've seen it first hand. After writing this, I'm going to do some research and take it upon myself to compare what scientists have found with what I've seen with my own eyes. I really want to know what triggers alcoholism. If it's hereditary. And even if someone parent(s) are alcoholics if they're prone to being one to. 

This post has made me think a lot-- even though I haven't written much. My mind is going a million miles an hour right now. 

I leave you with this: Do you know someone who suffers from alcoholism? Is there anything you can do or say to TRY and help them? 

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 02: In 10 years.....

In 10 years….
Colleen will be 10 and a half. (Wow!)

I can’t even imagine 10 years from now. I couldn't even see me now, two years ago.

In 10 years I hope to be married to my main man.
In 10 years I hope I have more children running around.
In 10 years I hope to be in a bigger house, on a bigger lot of land.
In 10 years I hope to have a degree in something I love to do.
In 10 years I hope to help my mom to get out on her own again.
In 10 years I hope to be surrounded by friends and family.
In 10 years I hope to see Jamie lying next to me in bed every night.
In 10 years I hope to watch Jamie and our children playing outside.
In 10 years I hope to have an established garden for fresh veggies and such.
In 10 years I hope to be surrounded by a lot of the people I call my friends right now.
In 10 years I hope to have this blog well established.
In 10 years I hope I can say I’ve helped a lot of people.
In 10 years I hope I can still see my Grandparents play with my children.
In 10 years I hope I have the career of my dreams.
In 10 years I hope I have the car of my dreams.
In 10 years I hope to still be writing on this blog.
In 10 years I hope Colleen is my best friend as well as my daughter.

10 years is such a long time. I have lots of hopes and dreams. But sometimes I don’t know if I should take the road less traveled. It’s hard to tell right now. I’m just going to take it one step at a time—Just like my Nanny always told me.

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 01: Current Relationship

Jamie and I have been together since the beginning of January 2011. We met New Year’s Eve at a friend’s party. He had left early to go to another party but later that night he found me on Facebook and started texting me. I wasn't going to give him the time of day. I made up excuse after excuse to not see him. He kept on and on until I finally caved in. (Persistence really pays off.)

Our first ‘date’ we went to a local pool hall with a few of my friends and played a few games of pool, had some drinks, and ate some food. He was relatively shy, I guess because we were around my friends, but he did text me. LOL.

Fast forward a few months: We really started getting serious that May. I was going through a really tough time and he was the shoulder I liked to cry on. I moved into his late parent’s house with him, his oldest brother, and his brother’s wife. He and his brother were butting heads so bad- because his brother had no respect for me or Jamie.

Jamie’s boss, also a really good friend of ours, allowed us to move into the house that we are in now. Doug, Jamie’s boss, and Doug’s wife Paulina are our landlords. We moved in June of 2011 and have been here ever since. It was a big change in such a little time, but we love it here.

Jamie still works in Alexandria five-seven days a week but he doesn't mind the commute. Depending on which way you go, you can get to Alexandria in an hour. With him being gone so often, it just makes our relationship even stronger. We still have family time and even time by ourselves, but it just makes it that much more bittersweet.

I love this man with every ounce of my being. I wouldn't trade him for ANYTHING. He’s a wonderful man and an awesome father. He’s my best friend, my lover, the second best thing that has ever happened to me.  (He’d be the very best thing if he hadn't given me our daughter.) He’s the man of my dreams, the father of our daughter, the hardest working young man I've ever known. (Pop-Pop and Dad being an exception.) He works for what he wants. He knows how to get what he wants. He’s MY man. My ONLY man. 

I love you both.

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

30 Day Blogging Challenge

I came across this on Pinterest:
I don't like some of the ideas-- So I came up with my own. :)

30 Days: A Blogging Challenge.
Day 01: Write about your current relationship. If you’re single, discuss how single life is.

Day 02: Write about where you would like to be in 10 years.

Day 03: What are your views on drugs and/or alcohol? You can write about one or both. Did something specific influence your views?

Day 04: Write about your views on religion. Are you religious? Do you believe in life after death? 
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?

Day 05: Have you ever thought about ending your own life? Write about it. If not, write about a 
fictional character that might have had these thoughts.

Day 06: Write 30 interesting facts about yourself. They can be anything from your favorite color to the worst habit you could never break to the pets you have. Be creative.

Day 07: What’s your Zodiac Sign? Do you think it describes your personality? Why or why not?

Day 08: Write about a moment where you felt most satisfied with your life. Why was that moment so special?

Day 09: Write about your first true love. Are you still with that person today? If not, do you still keep in touch with that person?

Day 10: Do you ever think about the future? Write about how you want it to be. Let your imagination run wild. Here’s a chance to write about your hopes and dreams and how you’re going to reach them.

Day 11: Put your music player on shuffle. Write as much or as little as you want on the first 10 songs that play. Just a simple list will be perfect for this one.

Day 12: Write a letter to someone. Living or deceased. Tell them how you feel. Let them know how much you care(d) for them and what they mean to you.

Day 13: Write about somewhere you would like to move or visit. Why did you choose this specific place?

Day 14: Write about your earliest memory. Why do you think you remember this rather than others?

Day 15: Make a list of how your day went. Don’t forget any details!

Day 16: What do you do for work? Are you a stay at home mom? A man in the construction business? Is this where you envisioned yourself 5 years ago?

Day 17: What were your highs and lows of this past year?

Day 18: Write 10 different things to 10 different people that you would never say to their faces. DO NOT include names or personal details.

Day 19: Write about how you feel on disrespecting ones parents, teachers, guardians, etc. Have you ever been disrespected? How did it make you feel?

Day 20: How important do you this education is? Is it more important now than it was 10 or even 20 years ago?

Day 21: What is your favorite television show? Why?

Day 22: How have YOU changed in the past 2 years? Do you think you have changed for the better? Has anything specific changed you?

Day 23: What are you five most favorite things? Post pictures and a very brief description of why you chose those five things.

Day 24: What is your favorite movie? What is it about?

Day 25: Write about some who fascinates you. What is so special about this person?

Day 26: What was your first vehicle? How much did it cost? How much was gas at that point in time? Did this vehicle have any sentimental value?

Day 27: Write about a problem, any problem, that you have had or that you have helped someone else with.

Day 28: Write about something or someone that you miss. Write about specific things you miss about this person or thing.

Day 29: What were your highs and lows for this past month? What do you plan on changing, if anything, for next month?

Day 30: What are your goals for the next 6 months? Why are you choosing these goals? Are you going to succeed?

And since I'm having such a hard time coming up with things to write about--
I'll give this a try to start!
Hopefully it will really help me come up with my own stuff and ideas after the 30 days are over!
I'm working on number one now and it should be up in a few hours!
Feel free to link to me and do this challenge with me!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daddy is 27!

Jamie turned 27 on Friday.

We had his party at the house on Saturday. Crabs, beer, swimming, and corn hole. It seemed like everyone had a great time. We've got plenty of beer and baked beans left, but that's about it. 

Jamie is a huge seafood lover. He loves crabs, fish, and shrimp the most. I, on the other hand, don't like seafood at all. I don't know if it's the taste of everything or if it has to do with the texture of most of it. (I'm OCD when it comes to textures of things.) I won't eat jello for Christ's sake (unless it's a shooter). I won't eat pancakes with syrup because it makes the texture of the pancakes unbearable. I LOVE pumpkin pie, and I make it from scratch every year, but I will only eat one or two peices, because of the texture. 

Jamie and I are thinking about making corn hole boards and selling them. He'll make them and I'll paint them. Corn hole is a very popular game around here. They have corn hole tournaments at a local restaurant on Thursdays and even have specials on food when the tournament is going on. Corn hole boards sell for $120.00 a piece at the local hardware store and you need two boards to play- so they're making loads of money. I figure if we make two sets and sell them for $100.00 a set, we'll make our money back on those two, plus some. For those of you who don't know what corn hole is:

"Cornhole, also known as bean bag toss Bean Bag Game", corn tossbaggo or bags, is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing bags of corn at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches the score of 21."

Anyways: I've also been thinking about selling Discovery Toys. I grew up with them and they're great learning toys. I just have to find a way to come up with the moneys and get a couple parties booked. If anyone is interested, PLEASE let me know!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Monday, July 22, 2013

This or That

It's really hard for me to come up with stuff to write about and/ or how to word it. I've been making lists/plans about stuff to write lately and am almost on track. I'll be back later with an actual post! LOL.
With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Friday, July 19, 2013


Test for Signature.
Test for Signature. Test for Signature.

Monday, July 15, 2013

15,638,400 Seconds or 260,640 Minutes or 4344 Hours.....

Whichever you prefer-- Doodle Bug is six months old! I can't believe it has been six months already. It still feels like we just brought her home yesterday. 

HER FIRST WORD WAS MAMA!!!!! (Daddy is jelly!)

Since my last post about what she has been eating, she has eaten so much more. Especially since the doctor told me that she can have big girl food as long as it is cut up real small so she doesn't choke on it. She absolutely LOVES jellied cranberry sauce but isn't too sure of fresh (straight out of Nanny and Pop-Pop's garden) cucumbers. And she definitely does not like the Gerber Stage 3 Lasagna and Meat Sauce!

We went to the doctor on Monday, July 8, 2013, as she was due for her 6 month check up and shots. She weighed in at a whopping 17.1 pounds and is 26 inches long! 

Pre-shots Shots!

Post-shots Shots! :'(

& yes-- I cried too. 

She is also sitting up all by herself for hours on end. She hasn't quite figured out how to sit herself up, so she still needs a little help in that area. She loves Mickey Mouse Club House-- and watching Daddy do the "Hot Dog Dance". LOL. She can hold herself up while standing (only for a few minutes) too! 

Since it's late now--- and I just had to chase Autumn around the damn neighborhood, I'll be back tomorrow to post more!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,
Love always,

Monday, June 17, 2013

DoodleBug is Almost 6 Months Old!

WOW! Where does the time go?

Doodlebug is already eating lots of different things! We haven't found anything she does not like!

A list of what she's had so far:

1. Green Beans- Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2. Carrots- Monday, May 13, 2013
3. Peas- Wednesday, May 15, 2013
4. Squash- Saturday, May 18, 2013
5. Garden Vegetables- Sunday, May 19, 2013
6. Sweet Potatoes- Tuesday, May 21, 2013
7. Bananas- Thursday, May 23, 2013
8. Pears- Sunday, May 26, 2013
9. Peaches- Monday, May 27, 2013
10. Sweet Potatoes and Corn-  Wednesday, May 29, 2013
11. Apples- Wednesday, May 29, 2013
12. Apricot with Mixed Fruit- Tuesday, June 4, 2013
13. Chicken Noodle- Tuesday, June 4, 2013
14. Blended Fruits with Oatmeal- Thursday, June 6, 2013
15. Macaroni & Cheese with Vegetables- Thursday, June 6, 2013
16. Prunes with Apples- Friday, June 7, 2013
17. Sweet Potato & Turkey with Whole Grains- Friday, June 7, 2013
18. Apple Blueberry- Saturday, June 8, 2013
19. Banana Orange Medley- Sunday, June 9, 2013
20. Banana Mixed Berries- Monday, June 10, 2013
21. Vegetable Chicken- Monday, June 10, 2013
22. Apples & Chicken- Tuesday, June 11, 2013
23. Apple Strawberry Banana- Wednesday, June 12, 2013
24. Banana Plum Grape- Thursday, June 13, 2013
25. Peach Cobbler Smoothie- Friday, June 14, 2013
26. Mango Smoothie- Saturday, June 15, 2013
27. Apples & Cherries- Monday, June 17, 2013
She has tried mashed potatoes, mango, pineapple, and cherries as well!

She has made me the happiest person in the world. There are absolutely NO words to describe how much and what she means to me. She definitely changed my life for the better. I now feel like I have a reason to be here, a reason to succeed. Other than my own self- motivation, I now have hers, which pushes me much, much more. It's amazing how someone so small, so delicate, (who can't even speak) can cause you to move mountains. 

I started this because I want something that I can keep (without it getting thrown away, lost, or ruined) to share with DoodleBug as she grows into a beautiful little girl, then eventually, a beautiful young woman. I have TONS more to post just to play catch up on the past five and a half months. I CAN'T WAIT!!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,

Love always & forever,

Saturday, June 08, 2013

5 Months! (June 8, 2013)

DoodleBug is five months old today!! (Wow, how time flies!) So- today I'm going to play 'catch-up'- and catch-up on everything over the past five months so I won't procrastinate any further!

My water broke at 12:00 am on January 8th, 2013 (you weren't due until January 16, 2013). I woke up Daddy and told him what had just happened. Of course, he didn't believe me, so he asked me again. After I told him again, he went and woke up Grandma. As I was sitting on the toilet, leaking, Daddy and Grandma got dressed and Grandma got my hospital bag together. I had to put a towel between my legs for the ride to the hospital so I wouldn't ruin Daddy's seats in his new truck. The ride to the hospital was probably the most stressful. I was making phone call after phone call to make sure the people that wanted to be there when you were born, were.

We arrived at the hospital around 1:00 am. After we checked in to the emergency room, they wheeled me up to labor and delivery, checked our progress, and admitted me. It was at that point when I realized this was REALLY happening and we were SO excited! Daddy, Grandma, and Uncle Weylon were there before they took me to my room. Once in my room, they hooked me up to all kinds of machines (to make sure you were okay) and started my IV. Sammy, Ginger, and Grandpa got there around 7:30 am. The nurses called my doctor because she wanted to be the one to deliver you. A few minutes later, the nurses started my epidural. Dr. Dana Taylor got there a few minutes before 9:00 am, checked me, and said she could see your head and that we were ready to push. The nurses didn't have ANYTHING set up for you yet. As everyone was piling out of the room (because I could only have 2-3 people in there with me), they rushed to get the incubator and scale out as well as all the tools the doctor would need if anything went wrong (thank God nothing did!). Daddy, Sammy, and Grandma were in the room with me, and helped me through everything. I started pushing at 9:00 am and with every contraction I pushed three times. You came after a total of 12 minutes, 9 pushes, and 3 contractions. Once the doctor laid you on my chest I couldn't hold it together any longer-- I started crying and of course they were HAPPY tears!!

You weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces, 18 inches long, and the most precious little thing I have ever seen!!
Phone 1 077
They checked you out, gave you the all clear, and handed you right to me! I didn't want to let you go (and I still don't). Sammy and Daddy were snapping pictures of me and you one after the other. You stayed with me the whole time. When the epidural wore off they took me to a different room where we would stay for two nights. You met Skinny Kenny, Justin, Aiden and Andrew on January 9th. Kenny brought you a teddy bear and mommy some chocolates.

January 10th, 2013 is that day that we could finally have you all to ourselves with out anyone interrupting for anything. We brought you home around 2:00 pm and you slept the entire way. I think Uncle Weylon was here when we got home, so you met him then. He wasn't there when you were born because he had to go to a job interview and he really didn't want to miss it. When we brought you home you weight 5 pounds 12 ounces. They said it was normal and not to worry.
Phone 1 197

On Monday, January 14, 2013, you had your very first 'well-baby' doctors visit! You weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces and were 19 and a half inches long! Dr. McCray said that we had to come back on Friday, January 18, 2013, because you did lose 10% of your birth weight and she wanted to do a weight check. On Friday you were back to your birth weight! 6 pounds, 6 ounces!!
Your umbilical cord fell off Tuesday, January 15, 2013, when you were one week old. 
It scared me to death because it looked so painful but it didn't bother you one bit! 
Phone 1 254

I breast fed you for a week and a half. 
We gave you your first formula bottle on Saturday, January 19, 2013. 
Sunday, January 20, 2013, you were 12 days old, you had your first bath. You hated it!! 

Phone 1 490
You were 19 days old when you had your first professional pictures taken. 
Grandpa and Ginger were nice enough to pay for them and have them done at their house. 
We had breakfast once we got up there while waiting for photographer. 
She took a lot of reallygreat pictures of all of us. Although the best ones were of you!
Phone 1 653Phone 1 660

A lot happened in your first few weeks as [my] baby!
We're going to Wal-Mart now so we can get you some more food.
You're mommy's little chunky monkey now!!
I'll be back on later to tell you more. Pinky Promise!

With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,
Love always,

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Time!

It's so nice to be able to say, "Come on in, the water's fine!"

We got our pool up last weekend. It only took us a few hours to get it up, but forever to get it filled. The water pressure here in the beach isn't all that great, at least at our house. We got it up on Saturday, the 18th and filled by the 23rd. It also took us so long because we found a teeny tiny pin hole leak towards the bottom, and we didn't want to continue filling it if we couldn't find under-water patches. My dad came down on Sunday the 24th, to help put the gazebo up that he, most generously, gave to us! 
DoodleBug's first time in the swimming pool was on the 26th, and needless to say, she ABSOLUTELY LOVED it!! She also got in with Daddy today (28th) and it seems like she enjoyed it even more. Daddy promised her that they will go swimming every day as long as the weather allows them to. Once he said that, she smiled super big!