DoodleBug is five months old today!! (Wow, how time flies!) So- today I'm going to play 'catch-up'- and catch-up on everything over the past five months so I won't procrastinate any further!
My water broke at 12:00 am on January 8th, 2013 (you weren't due until January 16, 2013). I woke up Daddy and told him what had just happened. Of course, he didn't believe me, so he asked me again. After I told him again, he went and woke up Grandma. As I was sitting on the toilet, leaking, Daddy and Grandma got dressed and Grandma got my hospital bag together. I had to put a towel between my legs for the ride to the hospital so I wouldn't ruin Daddy's seats in his new truck. The ride to the hospital was probably the most stressful. I was making phone call after phone call to make sure the people that wanted to be there when you were born, were.
We arrived at the hospital around 1:00 am. After we checked in to the emergency room, they wheeled me up to labor and delivery, checked our progress, and admitted me. It was at that point when I realized this was REALLY happening and we were SO excited! Daddy, Grandma, and Uncle Weylon were there before they took me to my room. Once in my room, they hooked me up to all kinds of machines (to make sure you were okay) and started my IV. Sammy, Ginger, and Grandpa got there around 7:30 am. The nurses called my doctor because she wanted to be the one to deliver you. A few minutes later, the nurses started my epidural. Dr. Dana Taylor got there a few minutes before 9:00 am, checked me, and said she could see your head and that we were ready to push. The nurses didn't have ANYTHING set up for you yet. As everyone was piling out of the room (because I could only have 2-3 people in there with me), they rushed to get the incubator and scale out as well as all the tools the doctor would need if anything went wrong (thank God nothing did!). Daddy, Sammy, and Grandma were in the room with me, and helped me through everything. I started pushing at 9:00 am and with every contraction I pushed three times. You came after a total of 12 minutes, 9 pushes, and 3 contractions. Once the doctor laid you on my chest I couldn't hold it together any longer-- I started crying and of course they were HAPPY tears!!
You weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces, 18 inches long, and the most precious little thing I have ever seen!!
They checked you out, gave you the all clear, and handed you right to me! I didn't want to let you go (and I still don't). Sammy and Daddy were snapping pictures of me and you one after the other. You stayed with me the whole time. When the epidural wore off they took me to a different room where we would stay for two nights. You met Skinny Kenny, Justin, Aiden and Andrew on January 9th. Kenny brought you a teddy bear and mommy some chocolates.
January 10th, 2013 is that day that we could finally have you all to ourselves with out anyone interrupting for anything. We brought you home around 2:00 pm and you slept the entire way. I think Uncle Weylon was here when we got home, so you met him then. He wasn't there when you were born because he had to go to a job interview and he really didn't want to miss it. When we brought you home you weight 5 pounds 12 ounces. They said it was normal and not to worry.
On Monday, January 14, 2013, you had your very first 'well-baby' doctors visit! You weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces and were 19 and a half inches long! Dr. McCray said that we had to come back on Friday, January 18, 2013, because you did lose 10% of your birth weight and she wanted to do a weight check. On Friday you were back to your birth weight! 6 pounds, 6 ounces!!
Your umbilical cord fell off Tuesday, January 15, 2013, when you were one week old.
It scared me to death because it looked so painful but it didn't bother you one bit!
I breast fed you for a week and a half.
We gave you your first formula bottle on Saturday, January 19, 2013.
Sunday, January 20, 2013, you were 12 days old, you had your first bath. You hated it!!
You were 19 days old when you had your first professional pictures taken.
Grandpa and Ginger were nice enough to pay for them and have them done at their house.
We had breakfast once we got up there while waiting for photographer.
She took a lot of reallygreat pictures of all of us. Although the best ones were of you!

A lot happened in your first few weeks as [my] baby!
We're going to Wal-Mart now so we can get you some more food.
You're mommy's little chunky monkey now!!
I'll be back on later to tell you more. Pinky Promise!
With oceans of love and a kiss upon each wave,
Love always,